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Everything posted by Wags83

  1. Cheers Rumcajs, I'm not sure to why it feels it is lagging. Every now and again it loses pressure so to speak. Only for 20 seconds or so then comes back. Usually happens when I'm on a bush track. I've got the seal kit there ready to go thinking it may be the pump. I'll check the steering box, u could be onto something there...
  2. Hi all I was wondering if anyone has rebuilt or put a seal kit through a zd30 power steering pump? Mine feels it is lagging a bit, and being 14 years old it's probably due. If anyone has, was it worth the hassle or is it worth just buying a new unit? It looks like it's going to be a mission to get to!!!
  3. Hi Josh, Have u checked the vacuum lines aren't ruptured? Also have u checked it holds pressure after the car is off? You should get up around 25psi or so. Possibly have to check with a vacuum gauge.
  4. Google "netlube" followed by a brand of oil, eg castrol penrite. Put your vehicle details in the drop down boxes on the site, and it shows every oil needed to suit diffs, motors and gearboxes for that particular model. Even tells you how many litres recommended.
  5. I'll check that out too, thanks again rumjcas
  6. Thanks gents I'll check the voltage on the plug to the maf. I'll check the other threads for info on how to do that. I've got another gauge to test against my boost gauge and check my piping to it aswell. Has anyone had the flash code 0406 come up? I'm thinking it's an egr issue, does the zd30 have an egr valve that can become sticky? Cheers
  7. Good pickup Davrol. I'm struggling to get anywhere over 12 Psi at this stage. Hitting limp mode at around 3000rpm at around 10Psi. Got a new MAF sensor, and a full service on the weekend. Got me stumped, any ideas would be much appreciated. 2000 GU patrol, NADS, rebuilt 3L (30000kms), snorkel etc. etc.
  8. G'day, I have the nads setup just as dronus has shown. Great post by the way. A question with the vnt. I stuffed with mine well before I fitted the nads setup. I'm wondering what the original setting is? It's been wound out and in on the thread more than once. Would anyone know how many threads from the 10mm nut to the actuator?? Any help would be great!
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