I have a patrol station wagon Y61 3l diesel, manufactured 2005, 45,000km.
The oil pressure warning light has started ti behave erratically. I start the engine, sometimes it goes off, sometimes it stays on. I stop and start again, and it might go off or not, and so on.
The mechanic checked the oil pressure, was Ok, and replaced the pressure switch (on the RH side). The fault remained, but I could drive with some confidence.
Then I discovered that there are 2 oil pressure switches (the mechanic apparently did not know that). He ordered the other switch and will replace it when it arrives.
Then I discovered (from a foreum) that there is also a resistor feeding the info re oil pressure into the ECM. Could not find it. It should be in the accelerator foot well, behind the kick plate. Certainly it is not there. Interestingly the resistor is not present on the wiring diagram, but it is listed on the harness layout at the location mentioned.
Right now the light goes off everytime I start and drive, but for how long?
Any idea what to do?