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Everything posted by TheLocksmith

  1. M8 just got kings with bilsteins and is very happy
  2. Ok I got a y61 Diesel, Manual, GU patrol wagon 2013 - ZD3.0? Can only find manuals up to 2011 (2005-2011 Haynes) Has there been any changes in the vehicle since then which this/these manuals won't have? When looking for info can I use 2008/09/10 etc stuff? Also what series is the 2013? And is it a 1Hzt etc. Just looking around and so many variants. I know I brought the best real 4x4 - Nissan Patrol but that's it. Also what manuals are out there to pull the dash off etc, other than striping the engine down. Come Get Some - Sent from my iPhone
  3. Look ok Rum but with the staun you set and go to the next one. By the time your around all 4 the first 1 is at preset psi and you just remove them I don't like unscrewing the valve, can see problems over time and the last thing you want is a slow leak. Not that I'm an expert, green really but anything screwing and unscrewing will wear out, ie.. Lovers help each other undress before sex. However after sex, they always dress on their own. Moral of the story: In life, no one helps you once you're screwed. Come Get Some - Sent from my iPhone
  4. Just brought the yellow pack of Staun deflators. Got the yellow pack off eBay which is the camper trailer pack on the website. Comes 4 x normal deflators and 2 x heavy duty. Got shipped the same day so will get Monday :-) http://www.stauntyredeflators.com.au/how_to_deflate.php http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com.au/viewitem?itemId=360683152438
  5. Fell off this site but back Ok here is an update. After 7hrs of Nissan having the vehicle I get a call and they said, "We are about to take off the hubs to explore further?" I said, "What have you been doing all day with it? I thought you would have pulled them off in the first hour of looking?" They said, "No we haven't touched anything yet but explored the problem all day by going around, checking things out? When I got to the service department to get my rig back, the first comment was that they thought me adding the bullbar caused the grinding noise in the front. I told them it was reported weeks before any accessories were added! I was then told it is only happening in my rig so they needed to keep it for a few days. I told them I have it in writing it is in all your 2013 Y61 so why can't they pull apart one of the new ones on the showroom floor? I was then told it does it only when it is under heavy labour, under revering, going around corners. I told them it does it at any speed and is it the way I drive the vehicle causing the problem? I then said I'm a little upset you have been labouring my new vehicle!!! I don't drive it that way!!!!!!!! I was then told they need to start removing things to investigate further. I have asked for a full detail report of their 7hr working on the vehicle and will post it online with the last written report that after testing other vehicles all their 2013 Y61 are doing it. First sign of problem and they started to blame the accessories Will update and upload reports soon! Come Get Some - Sent from my iPhone
  6. So Admin, u Sydney? You would get a choice of Mallee Root or Gidgee charcoal?
  7. Nice van. I've gone with a 8x5 box trailer, aluminum and a blackwolf tent. Prefer all the toys and have a basic tent to sleep.
  8. Just got the ARB deluxe bar, winch capable today and the Kaymar rear protection with 2 x Jerry and 1 x wheel. Safari snorkel on order and got the Kaymar high jack holder coming as well. Also buying today the hi jack and premium recovery kit bag. So to date the extras have cost me $9000. Will post pics when I pick her up
  9. Hey Geoff, welcome to the forum
  10. Hey Jack, just got a 4x4 myself, so just started the learning process Welcome to the forum
  11. Hey outback, new myself but welcome
  12. Thanks Rum, average post rate on 4x4 earth is 9 per day. So 25 won't take me long
  13. They said it does to all new patrols in their yard? As I see it, it wasn't on their selling brochure, so I don't want it, fix please.
  14. Thanks for the info. Got Nissan stripping it down till they find it. Just brought a new 4x4 and they didn't sell it with a grind option. So I've told them to fix it or give me back $48,500, or court. Only fair, if they told me it comes with a grind noise then it was my choice. Thanks Ant
  15. Just added the roof rack and front bonnet protector.
  16. This is a spit :-) AKA Gyros
  17. Hey m8, do you know where to get the Y61 Tm?
  18. Anyone know where to pickup or download a service manual for my new Patrol? Thanks Ant
  19. Hey all, I am Antony from Melbourne, I am a locksmith and own a Y61 GU 2013 Patrol. I have owned a Patrol for 18 days now and just starting to spend to upgrade her. We love camping which has lead us into buying a 4x4. Now we are planning trips like Simpson, Kakadu, Top End etc.. As I haven't been off road before I have a lot of learning to do, so "baby steps" trips into the bush before we are ready for the big stuff. Love going up Timbarra, Blackwood, and Snow River Mountains etc. but now we can start doing some of the tracks. Wanting to do the blue mountains and 100 other places. My wife and kids make me take them 5 star camping (Only way she will get in the car) so a cappuccino in the middle of the bush is a common event. We are easy going, very family orientated people that love getting out there. Just started to look around to join a 4x4 club, once the Patrol is decked out and planning most weekends away in the bush. Love the cold weather, not so much rain but cold is good. I am a hobby apiarist, so always looking for good bee spots. Love shooting, fishing, Jack Daniels around the fire and just being out in the middle of the bush. I am also a SES volunteer. I sell Mallee Root charcoal (Don’t cook on gas) and can cook up a mean Gyros, Matambre, chicken ribs too name a few things. We have never owned a microwave because we like a good feed and if you need to microwave then you’re busy, simplify your life :-) If you want to know anything just ask. Ant
  20. Hi, I have just brought a new 2013 GU Patrol. It is the Y61 Diesel, Manual, Built March 2013, Compliance plated May 2013 I have noticed when doing hard righthand turns it has a grind noise in the left wheel? I took it to Nissan any they say it's normal? They test drove another new one and they say it makes the same grind noise in the left wheel when doing a righthand turn? I got it in writing that it's normal for a new car to have grind noises in the frontend but to keep an eye on it? I think this is all a bit funnyu and never heard of a grind that is meant to be in a new car? Any suggestions? Ant
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