Whats with the heavy handed I'm king and your my lowly minions attitude?!!?
I started to visit this site when things went bad at Patrol4x4 and you had less than 30 members and you said all you wanted to do was create an alternative to Patrol4x4 if things went bad. You claimed it cost you SFA and you wanted to set it up just like Patrol4x4 and give the mods from there the same priviledges.
A couple of months and 200 odd extra members later and you start to show your real intentions, laying down the law and asking for money. Maybe you should delete your old posts so you don't look so much like a tool.
I don't come to a forum to talk about Patrols and Patrols only, if thats the case I'd only come online a few times a year when I need to find something and therefore I'm not available to answer questions. Thats what a general section is for, to keep members coming back regularly.
I liked Patrol4x4 and only came here because things went pear shaped overthere. If you didn't try and change the world I might've stayed, but I think going forward you're going to be a little too precious to live with.
PS. Thanks for the link but I know where to find Patrol4x4.
Good luck.